BibleMax HebGrkENG Bible 1.0

BibleMax HebGrkENG Bible 1.0

BibleMax module featuring Wescott-Hort Hebrew-Greek-English transliteration
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Software Informer Editor Rating 5

It is a widely known fact that the earliest versions of the Old Testament were written in Hebrew, the language spoken by most of the people of Israel. On its part, the most anicent written versions of the New Testament were written in Greek. For this reason, it is important to know and read the Scriptures in the language in which they were conceived. BibleMaximum offers the possibility of reading both Testaments in their original language through a module for BibleMax software.

This module offers you the Wescott-Horst Hebrew-Greek version of the Bible, which is one of the most authoritative Biblical works. As other Bible modules for BibleMax, this one interacts fully with any other modules installed in your core BibleMax program. Thus you can, for example, read a commentary or consult a reference just by opening a book and choosing the "View Bibles and Commentaries" or "View Bibles and References" options on the View menu.
You can get this important version of the Bible, along with many other versions, translations, commentaries, devotionals and other texts by ordering the free CD and paying only the duplication, printing, postage and handling costs.

VH Senior editor
Victor Hernandez
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Review summary


  • Useful for linguistic and historic comparisons


  • It only works with BibleMax software
  • Can be obtained only by ordering the free CD



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